Politics and the Christian Faith

I have avoided politics like the plague since my first post on this blog, but I am starting to reconsider that approachThis brief post will begin to wrestle with those ideas.

Some say that Christians should avoid all political issues and just focus on preaching the gospel in order to make disciples.  Where political issues touch on moral issues addressed by the Bible, Christians must preach ‘politics’ to be faithful to Christ. We are to make disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and by teaching them to obey all things that Christ has commanded them to do (See Matthew Chapter 28.).

Therefore, there is no strong separation of church and state as all moral issues should be addressed. There are religious matters that are not the business of the state, but there are no moral issues that God’s Word does not address. So, in a Democratic Republic like the USA, the Christian should be involved in politics to be faithful to Christ. 

I have heard that Christians who run for office are wasting their time when they should be witnessing to others.  That does not follow from the teachings of the Bible.  Politics is a noble calling and worthy endeavor.  Christians can and should run for office when they see that they have positive contributions to make.  

Should all moral issues be encoded in the laws of the USA?  Of course not, but the law of the land is the great teacher. What is illegal is shunned. What is legal is freely embraced. Just look at the major shifts in public opinion on social issues after the laws were changed.  Abortion is one example.  Public opinion shifted in the years following Roe v. Wade.  It shifted dramatically.  

It is human nature to be influenced by the power of the government to enforce rules. That power is enforced by the military and police forces. Your vote is an exercise of power over others.  Use that vote wisely.  

I am still working through what my approach to politics will be from a Christian perspective, but I know this much: politics cannot be avoided by the Christian on general principles.  Please pray for me as I think this trough.  Of course, comments are welcomed and discussion can benefit us all.


Anonymous said…
It's always hilarious when a religious person opines about morality as if what they like should be freely embraced and what they don't like should be shunned.

A brief reminder that if we were to "follow the teachings of the bible" women and children would still be property of their husbands and fathers. Slavery would still be totes OK. And, we'd be regularly going to war with the followers of other religions.

It's either blindingly ignorant or deliberately deceptive of you to claim that opinion on abortion has "shifted dramatically"


J. K. Jones said…
Sunny D, is that you, or do I have a new anonymous commentator? If it is you, I hope you are doing well.

Like it or not, there are fixed moral laws that govern human behavior in this universe. What I say is not a matter of my personal likes and dislikes. There are many valid and rational reasons to think so

Slavery has been common practice for almost all of human history. The Bible regulated it. Then declared chattel slavery to be immoral. Just look at the history of the abolitionist movement. You’ll find Christians who founded it and saw it through.

Not sure where you get the part about husbands and fathers owning the Ives and children. Please enlighten me.

Religious wars were authorized used one time in the Bible and are not normative in any way shape or form.

Lastly, none of the tables in your link s em to go back before 1975. Roe v. Wade was in 1971 last time I checked. Do you have data from before 1971?

Good to hear from you.

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