Answers to Sunday School Questions, Part 3
Last Summer, we took up
questions from our Adult Sunday School Class at First Presbyterian Dyersburg,
Tennessee. I have adapted the answers I
gave in articles in the church newsletter, and I wanted to share them
here. I hope you find the short essays helpful.
What happens to children who die before the age of accountability? Do they go to hell just for the sins of dead people?
really a good question. I do not have a
definitive answer for it.
I do know
that David expected to see his son again in heaven when his son died as an
infant (2 Samuel 12:22-23). That leads
many to believe that infants go to heaven when they die before they can understand
I also
know, if they do go to hell, it is not for “the sins of dead people.” They would go to hell for their own
sinfulness. They would go because of the
kind of people they are, born in sin.
That’s what original sin means: we are all born the kind of people who
sin when given the chance.