
Showing posts from April, 2009

Bart Ehrman Interrupted by Ben Whiterington

Ben Witherington provides a detailed analysis of and response to Bart Erman’s “Jesus Interrupted” in his four posts here , here , here and here . [4/16: I forgot to mention this will be an ongoing series for Witherington. The next post is h ere .)

Easter - The Power of the Cross

A song from the Easter Service at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, where I attended this morning: "Oh to see my name written in the wounds, for through your suffering I am free. Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live won through your selfless love! This is the power of the cross: Christ became sin for us. Took the blame, bore the wrath. We stand forgiven at the cross." - "The Power of the Cross" by Townend / Getty

My Number One Felt Need

Much has been said by leaders in the modern church about “felt needs” and the necessity of reaching the lost by an appeal to those “felt needs.” I will pretend to be a non-Christian for a minute. I will speak from the perspective of “ the mind set on the flesh .” My number one felt need at this point in my life is a Victory Red, 2009 Chevrolet ZR1 Corvette . Motor Trend Magazine’s article sold me on the idea. It’s hard to beat a 620 horsepower engine in a 3,324 pound car. Plus the typical Corvette suspension package and amenities. I guarantee that if your church buys me this Corvette, meeting the felt need of my heart, I will attend each and every Sunday morning for the rest of my life. I will constantly and enthusiastically tell everyone I meet about the great things happening at your church, and I will invite everyone I know to the church that is serious about meeting our felt needs. That church will be successful in the way that the modern church measures success: numerical growth....