Apologetics 315 has posted an excellent review of R. C. Sproul’s book If There is a God, Why Are There Atheists . The original book is, in part, an attack on the notion of Freud and Feuerbach that religion is just projection or wishful thinking. Here’s a taste of Sproul’s book courtesy of Apologetics 315: The Christian God has some ‘attractive’ features that might incline a person to embrace God as a narcotic to help him face the threatening character of life, but these are overwhelmingly outweighed by the trauma of encountering God. Though man may desire and create for himself a deity who meets his needs and provides him with innumerable benefits, he will not instinctively desire a God who is holy, omniscient, and sovereign. The Bible does not try to conceal the fact that, in spite of God’s love and mercy, He is an awesome, threatening Being, a Being that man would not instinctively search for. The psychologists continue to argue that men like to invent protective deities ...