
Showing posts from June, 2009

Infant Baptism – Now’s your chance to convince me

I am reading through Mathew Henry’s Treatise on Baptism . It’s a copy I have from a Presbyterian minister friend. I would like to hear your opinion on Henry’s Treastise and on the matter in general. I would like to have some debate. My paedobaptist friends should ‘smell blood in the water’ on this one. Now’s your chance. I’m coming around to the position, but still struggle a bit. Lutherans, now’s your chance to convince me. There is a Missouri-synod Lutheran Church here in town.


After an extended period of soul searching, I have decided to change religious denominations. I have long self-identified as a “ five-point Calvinist .” But I found myself avoiding the term in my Southern-Baptist home church because it was so often misunderstood. Recent conflicts in the SBC over Calvinism have left me even more disillusioned (see here and here ). I am simply tired of feeling like I must hide my beliefs in this area “under a bushel.” I am going to become a Presbyterian. I have become convinced over recent weeks that I can affirm the beliefs held by The Presbyterian Church in America as expressed here and here . I have not decided for certain, but I can see joining that church in the near future. This will begin an adventure, a whole-new phase of my Christian experience. I hope that you will hold me in your prayers.