Answers to Sunday School Questions, Part 2

 Last Summer, we took up questions from our Adult Sunday School Class at First Presbyterian Dyersburg, Tennessee.  I have adapted the answers I gave in articles in the church newsletter, and I wanted to share them here.  I hope you find the short essays helpful. 


Is God merciful if he sends someone to hell who has never heard about Jesus Christ?

            The Bible says that God’s existence is ‘as plain as the nose on your face,’ that is God’s existence is easy to see from nature.  When we look at the evidence of nature, we clearly see that God exists.  It’s just that some of us choose to ignore the evidence.  If all humans see the evidence, and some ignore it, then why wouldn’t those who ignore it be responsible for their willful ignorance?  Why is it less awful to reject God as He reveals Himself in nature than it is to reject Jesus as He is presented to us in the gospel? 

            As R. C. Sproul puts it, those who never hear about Jesus Christ see God’s “eternal power and divine nature” in what God has created.  They reject that.  So, they are just as guilty as those who reject Jesus when they hear about him.  There are no innocent people.  There are no innocent people who never hear the gospel.  [Romans 1:18 and following]

            God does not have to be merciful to anyone.  That part of the definition of mercy.  Mercy is unmerited or unearned favor.  It’s getting something we don’t deserve.  No one ‘has mercy coming to them.’  No one must be given mercy.  What everyone must be given is justice, and justice for those who reject God or Jesus is punishment in hell. 

Don’t ever confuse justice and mercy.  The only one of the two we deserve is justice.

That’s why Christians through the ages have spent so much money and effort on missions.  We want those people to hear of Christ.  Are you doing your part?


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