
Thanks to the guys over at Extreme Theology for the hilarious video posting.

It’s a satire on the modern church’s propensity for trying to please everyone. It’s a great laugh, but after thinking about it for a few minutes I had to ask myself: is this the way our culture views us from the outside? Is this what we have to offer?

I hope not (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).


From Extra Nos ...

"Augustinian Successor, on behalf of other Baptists like me, I apologize for the treatment you received from the Reformed Baptist minister you interacted with. The actions you describe were deplorable and miss-representative of Christ. I pray you find Christ in all His glory in whatever congregation you join."

Dear Brother,

Thank you for your kind words. I'm also encouraged by your love for the Truth as it is in Jesus Christ expressed in the Reformed Faith. I also agree with your view on Luther and the Bondage of the Will.

Our Good Lord richly bless you, your family and blog ministry.

Looking forward to your presence at Extra Nos, the blog of another dear brother in the Reformation Tradition.

In Christ,
J. K. Jones said…
Augustinian Successor,

Thank you for your kind words.

For info. to readers, Extra Nos is located at:

J. K.

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