On The Nature of Saving Faith

Two men start to walk across a 300 foot bridge that spans a mile deep chasm. One man walks confidently and makes consistent progress while the other steps catiously and nervously, starting and stopping along the way. Which of the two reach the other side?

Both. The integrity of the bridge remains the same for both men and is the only reason for there successful crossing.

There is only One Bridge with the eternal and redemptive integrity that will carry a sinner into God's presence. His name is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God.

- Rick Frueh, a comment on Camp On This


Anonymous said…
I like the picture, except for the fact that both the men have to 'walk' to get there.

I prefer the version where Jesus comes across the bridge and carries them back...one at a time.

J. K. Jones said…
Thanks, Steve.
Your analogy is certianly true from a biblical approach to election, but do not forget the fact that the faith that God give is exercised by the individuals whose heart God has changed. It’s our faith, itself a gift from God, that we exercise.

See discussion here: http://jkjonesthinks.blogspot.com/2008/02/whosoever-meaneth-me.html

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