Answers to Sunday School Questions, Part 9

 Last Summer, we took up questions from our Adult Sunday School Class at First Presbyterian Dyersburg, Tennessee.  I have adapted the answers I gave in articles in the church newsletter, and I wanted to share them here.  I hope you find the short essays helpful. 

 What do you say to someone who tells you that you don’t need to worry about her soul?  She doesn’t participate in church except through video and said that out of anger because I said that we don’t know when we are going to die. 

            It might be time to back off a bit, pray for them, and let them come to you next time.  At the very least, let them ask you questions first.  It is probable that you have shared the gospel with this person more than once.  Let any future conversations be natural and not forced.  Asking good questions can also help a person think.  Some questions might include:

What do you do with your stress? 

How do you handle life?

What ‘gets you through the day?’

Why do you work as hard as you do?

These might give you a chance to share your answers to these questions when they ask in return.  Some answers might include:

            Jesus gives me a peach that passes understanding.

            I want to glorify God with my life because of what Jesus has done for me.

            Jesus gives me joy when I think of what he has done for me.

I am sure you can think of other questions.  The idea is to plant a seed that might get them to ask you questions later, not to immediately launch into the gospel.  You might check out a book called Tactics by Greg Koukl for more suggestions.

Jim Daily, the Current President of Focus on the Family, says, “Boldness is not brashness.”  We can be ‘on target’ without being ‘pushy.’       


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