
Thanks to Extreme Theology for linking to a quiz. This quiz uses your responses to a few short questions to determine which theologian you most identify with. It is certainly not a perfect instrument, but I am rather proud of my results.

You scored as Martin Luther, The daddy of

the Reformation. You are opposed to any

Catholic ideas of works-salvation and

see the scriptures as being primarily


Martin Luther




Karl Barth


John Calvin


Jonathan Edwards


Friedrich Schleiermacher


Paul Tillich




Jürgen Moltmann


Charles Finney


Which theologian are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

I do wish I had scored higher with respect to Augustine.

I am very surprised at the percentages for Barth and Schleiermacher because I generally don’t like what those guys stand for. I guess in the case of those two the old adage fits: “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”


Anonymous said…
So if your theology is more inline with Luther, why are you still Southern Baptist? The reason I ask this question is not to be giving you a hard time but as one who was raised in the SBC and is now Lutheran. I have found that my understanding of the Christian faith is much more inline with the Reformation.
J. K. Jones said…

Thanks for asking, and I am not at all insulted by your comment. Quite the contrary, actually.

Please note that there were no conservative Baptist theologians on the quiz. I would have scored differently had B. H. Carroll, Charles Spurgeon, Roger Nicole, and / or James P. Boyce been named and represented.

The 1689 London Baptist Confession is my confession of faith (see link in side bar). The New Hampshire Declaration of Faith is a relatively short summary.

The sticking point is the baptism issue, although I do not hold a view of the ordinance as a mere symbol. I think baptism is in some sense of the words a “means of grace” used by the Spirit to change a person’s life. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by grace through faith. So if grace is imparted, then faith must be its conduit.

I also believe that baptism is a sign of the covenant in some sense as well. Hebrews 8:1-13 and 10:1-18 indicate that members of the new covenant have God’s law written on their hearts and that they will know the Lord. The passages make it quite clear to me that members of the new covenant are regenerate.

I would have differences over the Lord’s supper for basically the same reasons. I do not think that the Biblical data is so convincing as to be undeniable. The ordinances / sacraments are not as conspicuous as the heart of the gospel.

I am also still studying theology, and I have much more to learn. Where will I end up? I pray that I find the truth God has revealed in the Bible. I read through the Bible daily and study particular books each Sunday.

May God grant all His people a firm knowledge of the truth and a strong unity in the gospel.

J. K.
LPC said…

One of the reasons I wind up in Wittenberg was because of the sacraments being a calvino-baptisto-charismatic.

Baptism and the Supper are not separate from the Gospel, they are the Gospel declared in visible form. Link it with the forgiveness of sins, and you will find one day it make sense from the Wittenberg view.

Simply put we ask the question - when did Jesus your sins are forgiven? Answer: 2000 years ago. Did that have any conditions? No because he did it without asking for my approval nor my consent.

Baptism and the Supper tells you today that your sins are forgiven - it is the same thing that happened 2000 years ago, the same forgiveness that Jesus won. You receive it today in your space and time. God delivers an announces it to you today what he did for you 2000 years ago. He comes around and delivers this as a gift -- so indeed God has said to us - peace be with you.

J. K. Jones said…

Thanks for your comment.

I need to think about that one.

J. K.

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