Hitler Never Existed?

A wonderful, tongue-in-check piece about revisionist history is at this link.  I cannot help but think about those people who say Jesus Christ never existed as I read this.


Anonymous said…
If there was only one source for the existence of Hitler it might actually be funny.

Instead it just seems to be a sad way to inflate the merest scraps of conjecture of the historicity of jesus with the mountains of evidence that we have for people who actually exist.
J. K. Jones said…
Is that you, Sunny Day?

“If there was only one source for the existence of Hitler it might actually be funny.”

There are multiplied sources for Christ’s existence. In view of the time when He lived, we have mountains of it. Please see the materials at this link (http://www.4truth.net/jesus/). You might also try my search label “Argument from Scripture.”
Anonymous said…
I prefer the site where your sad musings were profoundly spanked.

J. K. Jones said…
Considering the number of people I was arguing with, I do not believe that I received any such "spanking.”

Thanks for linking to the post; I will let my words speak for themselves.

You still gave me no indication of who you are. It would help our conversation.
Anonymous said…
Everybody knows that hitler existed but 911 was a conspiracy. the fact that you guys think hitler doesnt exist makes you RETARDED
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J. K. Jones said…
You all are out of control.

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