
I found an interesting article by Greg Koukl over at Stand to Reason. It’s an interesting discussion of intuition from a philosophical perspective. I’m a big fan of intuition, and I make many decisions based on it.

Here’s an excerpt:

I'm convinced that many of the things essential to a Christian world view are things all human beings already believe without being told: the idea that human beings are special, valuable, made in the image of God and have transcendent value; that there's purpose in life; that man is not only valuable, but twisted,
sinful, and guilty and deserves to be punished; that God is real and has made an
orderly universe and designed it for a purpose … Some of these things I mentioned are known through the faculty of intuition. When I say "intuition," I mean something very particular … I don't mean a hunch about something. I mean a way of knowing which is immediate and direct. It's knowledge you start with,
knowledge that's already built in. Our founding fathers called it "self-evident"
truth. This kind of truth isn't a result of reasoning to a conclusion, so intuitional knowledge doesn't require a defense. Some people are uncomfortable with this notion. It seems like cheating. Philosopher J.P. Moreland has pointed out, though, that if you can't know some things without knowing why you know them--if you don't have some things in place to begin with--you can't know anything at all. You can't even begin the task of discovery. Aristotle said that some things can't be proved, but without them you can't prove anything.

I be interested in your take on intuition and it’s validity in decision making.


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