There are few things worse than living a lie, yet this is the universal human experience. Sin has corrupted man's thinking in such a way that people lack the ability to understand the truth about themselves, God, and the world. - From What's So Great About the Doctrines of
Grace? by Richard Phillips, p. 23.
Phillips has this one right. I am striving to become honest with others and myself but honesty is a real struggle. I am better than before, but not what God would have me be.
I have no chance unless God changes my heart. Then the blinders come off, and I am able to see.
Honesty is critical for the church. Personal honesty in our churches and small groups would no doubt lead to revival and renewal. If we could create places where people can be honest about their struggles and heartaches, God’s kingdom would be served.
We could learn a lot from Alcoholic Anonymous. AA meetings are safe places to share. Some of the literature reads, “There is an unwritten rule about AA meetings: "whatever you see here, hear here, or say here, stays here." That's the anonymity part of the AA program.” There is no fear that someone will gossip about you.
The members you find at meetings “are happy to offer help by sharing their experience, strength and hope in staying sober. One of the ways members stay sober is by helping other alcoholics to achieve sobriety” (see here). AA members are not perfect, but they are helpful. A good AA meeting is usually a safe place where the members try their best to help each other. Phone numbers are exchanged. Dinner engagements are kept. Accountability is encouraged. The spirit is one of love and common purpose.
What kind of impact would our churches have if this approach was taken?